Anyone can be in a relationship with a narcissist. But there are different personality types that are more appealing to narcissists than others. If you happen to have narcissists in your life, consider these personality descriptions:

“There are five stages that a patient must go through to recover from the influence of narcissism. On average, it takes about 3 years.”

1. You were raised by narcissists

If one or both of your parents were narcissists, you probably consider narcissistic relationship dynamics to be normal. It’s normal to repeat familiar behaviors. But the good news is that you can stop it if you realize that there are other ways to behave. Psychologist Agnieška Kašinska, who studies the behavioral dynamics of victims of narcissism, says that admitting to yourself that you grew up in a narcissistic family is the first step towards healing. This is the most difficult and time-consuming stage of recovery, very difficult. It is incredibly painful to admit that you did not receive unconditional love from your parents and never will.

2. You grew up in other traumatic conditions

Children who grew up in other dysfunctional environments, such as in a family where members were addicted or abusive, may be inclined to approve of narcissistic relationships or even seek them out. People with low self-esteem due to traumatic childhood experiences, including psycho-emotional, physical or sexual abuse, are easy prey for narcissists. Early traumas can lead to a tendency to self-destruct and relive the role of victim. You may have been made to understand that you are not worthy of good behavior, tenderness, stability and unconditional love. Narcissists prey on vulnerable people who obey their will.

3. You are highly empathetic

Those who are able to feel and understand the emotions of others are often exploited by people who lack empathy. Because of your sensitivity, you may be inclined to help individuals with poor emotional worlds, especially narcissists suffering from internal wounds.

4. You are a rescuer

You want to help, heal, compensate, save, defend and fight for the rights of all. You want to protect people, animals, communities from harm and injustice. You may see the narcissist in your life as the greatest challenge. However, you cannot cure people with narcissism disorder on your own, nor can you teach them empathy.

If you are reading this article, it is probably not the first time that you have suspicions that you are in a relationship with a narcissist. Relationships therapist, Agnieška Kašinska, advises you to continue looking for answers because nothing will work out on its own. If you decide to seek help, make sure that the psychologist/psychotherapist has experience working with victims of narcissism.

Why is this important?

Because what the client will say may sometimes sounds unrealistic, and only a specialist who has encountered narcissism can properly accept it, not judge it, sympathize with it and emotionally support it. In this case, talk therapy alone is not enough; the psychologist must help the patient correctly draw boundaries and learn to stick to them. There are five stages that the patient must go through in order to recover from the influence of narcissism. On average, it takes about 3 years.

Relationships psychologist Agnieška Kašinska works with victims of narcissism

                                      Based on the book “The Narcissist in Your Life” by Julie L. Hall

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