MAK cards therapy

Emotional wellness matters

Metaphorical Associative Cards and Cubes Practice

Professional tool of psychologists and psychotherapists, the projective diagnostics methods used in individual and couples counseling. The sets of cards or cubes help to reveal person’s current experiences, anxiety and interpersonal relationship challenges.

Suitable for people of all ages, especially for those are not able to recognize their own emotions and needs. MAK helps to take a closer look at the traumatic situation through a psychologically safe distance. This creates a safe environment for finding the solution.

Proved effectiveness:

Dealing with childhood trauma

Learning personal needs

Reveal your defense mechanisms

Relationship problems solving

Solution oriented technique

Choose the right method for you

Technique for you “Childhood traumas”

We know that 95 percent of our behavior comes from the subconscious. Everything that we don’t even remember that happened in childhood is stored in the subconscious. Therefore, not understanding why you behave this way, what happened, what you need, it is useful to analyze your childhood with the help of a specialist.


MAK (metaphorical associative cards) “Magic of Fairy Tales” were created by art therapists. Based on fairy tales and fairy tale heroes, a suitable space is created to think more broadly, to touch on fears and traumas that are blocked and inaccessible in a direct way. Helps to, psychologically delve into the subconscious, to resolve the consequences of childhood traumas, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, challenges of self-realization, and is also an excellent tool for psychotherapy.

Duration: 90 min

This practice can help if you:

  • Feel the consequences of a “difficult” childhood
  • Your parents or one of your parents used alcohol, drugs
  • You experienced physical, psychological or sexual violence
  • Your parents were controlling and domineering
  • You were physically, emotionally neglected or overly pampered
  • You notice that you behave like your parents, even though you don’t want to
  • Your parents have a great influence on your decisions

Technique for couples “Our Fairy Tale”

You have difficulties, you do not hear each other, there are frequent conflicts, dissatisfaction with your partner, you do not know how to open up and talk, you are stuck in toxic relationships – then this technique is for you.


MAK (metaphorical associative cards) “Magic of Fairy Tales” were created by art therapists. Based on fairy tales and fairy tale heroes, a suitable space is created to think more broadly, to touch fears and traumas that are directly blocked and inaccessible. Helps to psychologically delve into the subconscious, to resolve the consequences of childhood traumas, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, challenges of self-realization, and is also an excellent psychotherapy tool.

Duration: 120 min

This practice can help if:

  • You often get angry and are unable to find out the real reason
  • You do not know how to talk
  • It is difficult to open up, to understand what you want
  • You are dissatisfied with your relationship
  • You are lost in your relationship, do not know what to do
  • You feel unheard and misunderstood

Technique for self-knowledge “My World”

If you don’t like the way things are, start changing. You will find out what to change, how to change, and what internal resources are needed for this during the self-knowledge practice.


Cubes and metaphorical associative cards are an effective tool for working with negative emotional states, destructive beliefs, perfectionism, low self-esteem, fears, anxiety, psychosomatics, and stressful states. Helps to find a balance between work and personal life, strengthen valuable relationships, and reduce stress through awareness and gratitude.

Duration: 90 min

This practice can help if:

  • You are exhausted, lack energy
  • You don’t know what you want from life
  • You don’t know what help you need
  • Situations that you can’t solve are repeated

Technique for working with psychosomatics “Hidden needs”

Psychosomatics is a phenomenon when the psyche affects the physiological processes of the body. If you have been medically examined and no changes have been found, most likely the cause of the illness is psychological in nature. In this way, the psyche shows that it cannot cope with tension. The goal is to find out what role the disease plays, i.e. what its secondary benefits are, and to find other ways to satisfy those needs. Secondary benefits usually do not allow you to recover or start feeling better.


Cubes and metaphorical associative cards are an effective tool for working with negative emotional states, destructive beliefs, perfectionism, low self-esteem, fears, anxiety, psychosomatics, stressful states. Helps to find a balance between work and personal life, strengthen valuable relationships, reduce stress through awareness and gratitude.

Duration: 90 min

This practice can help if:

  • You suffer from an illness for which doctors cannot find a cause
  • You suffer from pain for which medicine cannot explain the cause
  • You are often sick, unable to "break free" from the cycle of illness
  • You suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia

Consultations are held live, surrounded by nature with a beautiful view and coffee/tea.
17 minutes from Santariškės at Vilnius district, Pikeliškės km., Dvaro st.


Childhood traumas

  • Find out how childhood influences your behavior
  • Gives guidelines for further work
  • Understand how to communicate with parents
  • Understand what you want to improve
  • Understand what is stopping you, where you are stuck

Hidden needs

  • Solving the secondary benefits of the disease
  • Reveal ignored needs
  • Find out what you should start or stop doing
  • Learn other ways of meeting needs
  • Improves wellbeing

My world

  • Desires and needs become clear
  • Identify internal resources
  • Strengthen self-esteem
  • Adequately evaluate yourself and the environment
  • Develop inner intuition

Our Fairy tale

  • See the scenario of your family life
  • You get a lateral view of your relationship
  • You discover strengths
  • Clarify needs and desires
  • Grow closer to your partner