Passive-aggressive behavior in adolescents and how to solving methods

Seminar for parents

Passive-aggressive behavior in adolescents – solving methods.

Workshop information

Do you often get an answer “right away”, but nothing happens? Is your teenager withdrawn, difficult to talk to? Complains of headaches/stomach aches, or maybe even self-harms? All these signs point to hidden anger in a teenager. Passive-aggressive behavior in children is the most destructive way to vent anger, causing great anxiety, worse even than swearing, slamming doors or physical and verbal violence. Passive aggression indirectly returns to the person himself. As a result, the child harms himself, not knowing how to vent his anger outward.

First, you will learn how to recognize passive-aggressive behavior, then you will learn how to react and how to direct it in the right direction. By providing help to a child under the age of 17, you can prevent the formation of a passive-aggressive personality.

Seminar content

  • What is passive aggression
  • Anger ladder assessment method
  • Psychosomatics of abdominal/headache pain
  • Adolescent self-harm
  • Identifying a passive-aggressive personality
  • Constructive ways to express anger
  • Relaxation techniques suitable for adolescents

Seminar content

  • What is passive aggression
  • Anger ladder assessment method
  • Psychosomatics of abdominal/headache pain
  • Adolescent self-harm
  • Identifying a passive-aggressive personality
  • Constructive ways to express anger
  • Relaxation techniques suitable for adolescents

What are the benefits?

  • You will learn to recognize passive-aggressive behavior in adolescents
  • You will learn what information is hidden in the phrases "soon", "later", "I forgot" in adolescents
  • You will understand what is being sought in passive-aggressive behavior
  • You will examine the causes of abdominal/headache pain in adolescents
  • You will learn why a child self-harms
  • You will find out up to what age passive aggression is acceptable
  • You will learn how to recognize and where to direct anger
  • You will practice relaxation techniques

For whom?

Parents, caregivers, teachers of adolescents aged 11-15

How will it be held?

The workshop will be held remotely, the theoretical part will be presented, examples from everyday life, practical tasks will be performed and questions from the audience will be answered. The recording will be available for 3 months.

Duration: 90 min

When and where will it take place?

Date, seminar broadcast platform will be announced


To be announced, tickets are not for sale yet.

For whom?

Parents, caregivers, teachers of adolescents aged 11-15

How will it be held?

The workshop will be held remotely, the theoretical part will be presented, examples from everyday life, practical tasks will be performed and questions from the audience will be answered. The recording will be available for 3 months.

Duration: 90 min

When and where will it take place?

Date, seminar broadcast platform will be announced


To be announced, tickets are not for sale yet.

The workshop is condacted by

Agnieška Kašinska – a family psychologist, a psychologist in Vilnius. She leads seminars, trainings, writes articles on psychological topics, counsels individuals and couples, shares advice on social networks. Master of Psychology, candidate to Gestalt Psychotheray and a founder of the emotional well-being support site  “Psychodemia”. Together with her husband, she raises three girls teenagers. The knowledge she shares with you is derived from studies and from practice. According to the psychologist: “I understand and see in my work how important childhood is for a person’s future, during consultations we always return to childhood, therefore I greatly appreciate the opportunity to help children grow up as healthy, happy and successful personalities.”