Effective parenting workshop

Seminar for parents

Effective parenting

Do you want to become better parents, but you don’t know how? Do you lose your temper, and then feel guilty that you were unable to resolve the conflict differently? Don’t know how to make your children argue less? – You are not alone. Learn how to raise children with love and respect by joining the seminar- workshop “Effective parenting”.

You will learn to view upbringing as one of the greatest acts of love and education that you can give to your children. At the same time, you will become happier parents and more confident in yourself. Practical sessions will show you that you can raise children with respect, nurturing them, but at the same time clearly drawing uncrossable boundaries. In other words, you can do it better.

Part I:

  • The most important needs of a child that parents must meet
  • The "autopilot" of upbringing - how to turn it off, or how to control your behavior?
  • Brain Development
  • Slapping and Raising Your Voice
  • How to Address the Thinking Part of the Brain?
  • How to Set Boundaries?
  • How to Develop a Child's Brain or EQ?
  • Analysis of Parenting Situations


Part II:

  • Why don't children hear us?
  • How to establish a connection with a child?
  • Ways to calm a child
  • What is a child's anger
  • Should I ignore tantrums?
  • How not to spoil a child?
  • About toys, how many toys does a child need?
  • How to change a child's inappropriate behavior?
  • Strategies for redirecting a child's inappropriate behavior

What is the benefit of all this?

Seminar participants will understand the mechanism of a child’s behavior. Starting with themselves, having learned to calm down themselves, applying the presented strategies, they will be able to move on to conscious child upbringing. Understanding brain development will allow parents to create expectations that correspond to the child’s age. The presented strategies for developing emotional intelligence will help raise a happy and successful child. The information learned will help parents teach their child to make the right decisions, independence and raise their child with love and respect.


Part II:

  • Why don't children hear us?
  • How to establish a connection with a child?
  • Ways to calm a child
  • What is a child's anger
  • Should I ignore tantrums?
  • How not to spoil a child?
  • About toys, how many toys does a child need?
  • How to change a child's inappropriate behavior?
  • Strategies for redirecting a child's inappropriate behavior

What is the benefit of all this?

Seminar participants will understand the mechanism of a child’s behavior. Starting with themselves, having learned to calm down themselves, applying the presented strategies, they will be able to move on to conscious child upbringing. Understanding brain development will allow parents to create expectations that correspond to the child’s age. The presented strategies for developing emotional intelligence will help raise a happy and successful child. The information learned will help parents teach their child to make the right decisions, independence and raise their child with love and respect.

Who is it for?

Parents, caregivers raising children aged 3-12. Teachers, child support specialists working with children of this age.


The seminar will be held remotely. During the seminar, information is presented clearly, with real-life examples. You will hear a lot of advice, complete practical tasks together and be able to ask questions. The recording is available for 3 months.


2 times, 90 minutes

When and where will it take place?

Date, seminar broadcast platform will be announced


To be announced, tickets are not for sale yet.

The workshop is condacted by

Agnieška Kašinska – a family psychologist, a psychologist in Vilnius. She leads seminars, trainings, writes articles on psychological topics, counsels individuals and couples, shares advice on social networks. Master of Psychology, candidate to Gestalt Psychotheray and a founder of the emotional well-being support site  “Psychodemia”. Together with her husband, she raises three girls teenagers. The knowledge she shares with you is derived from studies and from practice. According to the psychologist: “I understand and see in my work how important childhood is for a person’s future, during consultations we always return to childhood, therefore I greatly appreciate the opportunity to help children grow up as healthy, happy and successful personalities.”
